Sheriff’s log

2022-06-24 20:28:41 By : Ms. Jaxcy Yang main

William Bunn, SBI Metal Building, 114 Trooper Drive, reported a break-in to a bulldozer and excavator. Missing were keys and a GPS unit.

Rachel Tillery reported a break-in to a vehicle at 104 Teheva Lane. Missing were a wallet, credit and debit cards, gift cards, ID cards and money.

Edward Mrozinski reported a break-in to a truck belonging to Olympus Painting at a construction site on Highway 270 near Millcreek Road. Missing were a pressure washer, generator, 200-foot hose, assorted hand tools, an impact drill, blue ice chest, 11 extension cords, eight electric angle grinders, a pressure washer wand and keys.

Yuanping "Annie" Huang reported a theft of a roll of copper from 1556 Hamilton Dairy Road, possibly by a known suspect.

Mark Letta reported a theft of a black 2005 Nissan 350-Z from 118 Lakeaire Terrace.

Timothy Nowlin, Walmart Super Center, 3604 Highway 7 north, reported a theft of three televisions.

Print Headline: Sheriff’s log

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